fbpx Ph.D. in Data Science Program | 鶹ýAV AMERICAN UNIVERSITY


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PhD in Data Science


Advances in computational speed, data collection methods, and the development of novel data analysis approaches, have led us to a new horizon of data science research. Data Science is one of the most important modern sciences in the world today and it is called “the science of the new century”. The rapid growth in data that is generated on a daily basis has led to the information revolution, and utilizing this information has become a competitive factor for companies and institutions. Having the ability to store, analyze and explore the meaning of data, identify trends from data, and provide automated predictive models to facilitate better decision making has become a valuable component of every business model. In addition, the development in industrial applications represented by Industry 4.0 has created a need for data scientists and Artificial Intelligence professionals to support industry and data-rich products. Therefore, this program is aiming to prepare the researchers for outstanding careers in academia, industry, health, business, finance, education, politics and other vital sectors that meet the aspirations of the local, regional and global market.


  1. Develop the student’s knowledge of current capabilities and applications of data science.
  2. Promote in students an understanding of the relationship of data science to artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies.
  3. Strengthen the student’s ability to evaluate data science questions using statistical methods.
  4. Enable the students to use critical thinking and problem solving to identify solutions to data science questions and challenges.
  5. Provide the student with the technical expertise to analyze large volumes of data and conduct data science research in a variety of fields.
  6. Instill within students an understanding of the importance of data analytics to businesses, healthcare and public policy and administration.


  • Examine the growth of big data and evaluate the uses of data science in different fields of study.
  • Analyze new developments in artificial intelligence, machine learning and natural language processing and relate developments to data science.
  • Employ technological knowledge of algorithms, statistics and programming languages to analyze large sets of data.
  • Apply critical thinking and technical data science skills to develop solutions to challenges in a variety of fields.
  • Design and conduct research on complex data science questions using qualitative and quantitative techniques.
  • Construct statistical models for data science research, interpret and analyze data and communicate results effectively.
  • Utilize advanced data science techniques to mine and analyze data for governments, healthcare and businesses organizations.

Careers of Graduates

Students who hold a Ph.D. in data science typically find careers in academia, industry, government, technology companies and other vitals fields. The following list suggested some careers titles for the Ph.D. in Data Science:

  1. Data Analytics Manager.
  2. Data Sciences Consultant.
  3. Post Doctorate Researcher.
  4. Strategic Innovation Manager.
  5. Assistant Professor in Data Science.
  6. Chief Data Officer (CDO).
  7. Director of Research.
  8. Data Engineer.
  9. Machine Learning Engineer.